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Sera Gold 


Sera Gold is a specially processed serum. Serum of selected batches is separated into individual components by a sophisticated chromatographic method. The growth promoting components contained in the serum are then combined and restored in a defined process. The aim was to produce a naturally defined serum with a sustained growth promoting property and a higher safety. Compared to conventional fetal bovine serum Sera Gold has been shown to support and promote cell growth of many different cell types better. Sera Gold contains only serum of highest quality from defined countries as specified. It is not blended or enhanced by addition of growth factors or proteins.


Sera Gold Plus


Sera Gold Plus is a specially processed serum. Serum of selected batches is separated into individual components by a sophisticated chromatographic method. The growth promoting components contained in the serum are then combined and restored in a defined process. Additional growth fortifying compounds have been added to increase cell proliferation. The aim was to produce a naturally defined serum with an increased growth promoting property and higher safety. Compared to conventional fetal bovine serum Sera Gold Plus has been shown to support and promote cell growth of many different cell types better.





  • Negligible batch to batch variation
  • Once tested - always the same quality
  • No batch reservation necessary



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